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时间:2023-12-03 23:12:34 编辑:小历


穆拉·林帕尼(全名Dame Moura Lympany)(1916.8.18-2005.3.28) ,大英帝国勋章(Order of the British Empire)获得者,英国钢琴家。是20世纪世界著名女钢琴家之一。


Dame Moura Lympany/ Moura Lympany



穆拉·林帕尼原名Mary Gertrude Johnstone,英国出生,曾在比利时受教育。父亲Captain John Johnstone是曾服务于一战的军官,曾明确告诉穆拉母亲Beatrice Limpenny说自己不是个好丈夫。于是穆拉的母亲无论如何不得不独力支持家庭(穆拉出生后还有两个儿子出生)和单枪匹马引导她女儿的早期职业生涯。1923年只有7岁的穆拉被送到比利时的一所女修道院学校,当修女们注意到她的音乐天赋,尤其是钢琴方面。她们安排小穆拉在比利时列日音乐学院继续深造,后来获得伦敦皇家音乐学院的奖学金。13岁时穆拉进入伦敦皇家音乐学院继续钢琴的学习。1929年,在通过导师Basil Cameron的试镜后,12岁的穆拉与Basil Cameron合作在哈罗盖特(英国英格兰北部约克郡城镇)举办自己的音乐处女秀。Basil Cameron建议穆拉根据自己母亲的姓氏Limpenny来取艺名。随后,穆拉在维也纳跟随Paul Weingarten、伦敦的Mathilde Verne继续学习。1932年毕业时,穆拉就已获得多个大赛的金奖。1935年,穆拉在伦敦的威格莫尔演唱大厅(Wigmore Hall)举办个人处女秀。1938年赢得Ysaye钢琴大赛亚军。

英文介绍:Dame Moura Lympany was one of the first in an internationally successful group of female British piano virtuosos to emerge in the twentieth century. She was born in Saltash, Devon, in 1916. Lympany showed unusual promise at the keyboard during her childhood, and began her formal training at the Liège Conservatory, in Belgium. Upon her return to England, she received an Ada Lewis Scholarship enabling her to continue her studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London, as a pupil of Coviello. Her other tutors included Paul Weingarten, Mathilde Verne, and Edward Steuermann, and Tobias Matthay, the last-named exerting the strongest influence upon her playing style was exerted by the German-born pedagogue Tobias Matthay.