
时间:2023-12-21 06:29:45编辑:小历


莫秀梅,1961年12月生。生物材料与组织工程学科教授、博士生导师。莫秀梅教授归国前曾为日本京都大学博士后,新加坡国立大学研究员,日本v西产业技术t合研究所客座研究员,德国亚琛工业技术应用大学客座教授。现为东华大学生物医学工程学科“生物材料与组织工程” 课题组组长。为新加坡材料协会会员,中国生物医学工程学会生物材料分会委员,“Frontiers of Materials Science”杂志编委。





















3、国家自然科学基金: 胶原蛋白-甲壳胺复合纳米纤维仿生组织细胞间质及与细胞相互作用的研究



6、教育部归国留学人员基金: 纳米纤维的制备表征及在组织工程中的应用开发

7、上海市2005年重大基础研究课题子课题: 组织工程相关生物材料的基础科学问题研究 中的小血管组织工程再建


9、上海市科委非政府国际合作项目: 控释型活性纳米纤维神经导管及心脏瓣膜的研制




1、Chun-Yang Wang, Jun-Jian Liu, Cun-Yi Fan, Xiu-Mei Mo, Hong-Jiang Ruan, Feng-Feng Li, The Effect of Aligned Core-Shell Nanofibres Delivering NGF on the Promotion of Sciatic Nerve Regeneration, Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 23(1-4), 2012 , 167-184

2、Yan Su, Qianqian Su, Wei Liu, Marcus Lim, Jayarama Reddy Venugopal, Xiumei Mo, Seeram Ramakrishna, Salem S. Al-Deyab, Mohamed El-Newehy, Controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein 2 and dexamethasone loaded in coreu2013shell PLLACLu2013collagen fibers for use in bone tissue engineering, Acta Biomaterialia 2012, 8, 763u2013771

3、LinpengFan,Hongsheng Wang, Kuihua Zhang, Chuanglong He, Zengxiao Cai, Xiumei Mo, Regenerated Silk Fibroin Nanofibrous Matrices Treated with 75% Ethanol Vapor for Tissue-Engineering ApplicationsJournal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2012, 23, 497-508

4、余丕军,王露萍,郭妤,陈炜,莫秀梅, 胶原蛋白-壳聚糖复合纳米纤维膜用于皮肤缺损的修复, 中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2011, 15(51):9561-9564

5、Chen Huang, Yanwei Tang, Xin Liu, Alessandra Sutti, Qinfei Ke, Xiumei Mo, Xungai Wang, Yosry Morsi and Tong Lin. Electrospinning of nanofibres with parallel line surface texture for improvement of nerve cell growth. Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 10812-7

6、Kuihua Zhang, Anlin Yin, Chen Huang, Chunyang Wang, Xiumei Mo. Degradation of electrospun SF/P(LLA-CL) blended nanofibrous scaffolds in vitro. Polymer Degradation and Stability 2011 96: 2266-75

7、A Owida, Rui Chen, S Patel, Yos Morsi, Xiumei Mo. Artery vessel fabrication using the combined fused deposition modeling and electrospinning techniques. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2011;17:37-44

8、Cuanglong He, Xiaohong Xu, Fan Zhang, Lijun Cao, Wei Feng, Hongsheng Wang, Xiumei Mo. Fabrication of fibrinogen/P(LLA-CL) hybrid nanofibrous scaffold for potential soft tissue engineering applications. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2011;97A:339-47

9、Kuihua Zhang, Q-Z Yu, XiumeiMo. Fabrication and Intermolecular Interactions of Silk Fibroin/Hydroxybutyl Chitosan Blended Nanofibers. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2011;12:2187-99

10、Kuihua Zhang, Yongfang Qian, Hongsheng Wang, Lingpen Fan, Chen Huang, Xiumei Mo. Electrospun Silk Fibroin-Hydroxybutyl Chitosan Nanofibrous Scaffolds to Biomimic Extracellular Matrix. Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. 2011;22:1069-82

11、Fan Zhang, Chuanglong He, Lijun Cao, Feng W, Wang H, Mo X, et al. Fabrication of gelatin-hyaluronic acid hybrid scaffolds with tunable porous structures for soft tissue engineering. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2011;48:474-81

12、Feng Chen, Ying-Jie Zhu, Kui-Hua Zhang, Jin Wu, Ke-Wei Wang, Qi-Li Tang, XiumeiMo. Europium-doped amorphous calcium phosphate porous nanospheres: preparation and application as luminescent drug carriers, Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:67

13、Yan Su, Xiaoqiang Li, Yinan Liu, Qianqian Su, Marcus Lim,Wei Qiang and Xiumei Mo,Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Heparin from Electrospun Poly(L-Lactide-co-ε-Caprolactone) Nanofibers, Journal of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition. 22 (2011) 165u2013177

14、Chen Huang, Rui Chen, Qinfei Ke, Yosry Morsic, Kuihua Zhang, Xiumei Mo. Electrospun collagenu2013chitosanu2013TPU nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineered tubular grafts, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces82 (2011) 307u2013315

15、Yong-Fang Qian, Kui-Hua Zhang, Feng Chen, Qin-Fei Keand Xiumei Mo.Cross-Linking of Gelatin and Chitosan Complex Nanofibers for Tissue-Engineering Scaffolds, Journal of Biomaterials Science 22 (2011) 1099u20131113

16、Chun-Yang Wang, Kui-Hua Zhang, Cun-Yi Fan, Xiumei Mo, Hong-Jiang Ruan, Feng-Feng Li. Aligned naturalu2013synthetic polyblend nanofibers for peripheral nerve regeneration, Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 634u2013643

17、余丕军,王露萍,郭妤,陈炜,莫秀梅,蛋白质-多糖复合纳米纤维膜用于皮肤缺损修复实验研究,中国医学工程,2010,18(4), 1-4.

18、Feng Chen1, Peng Huang, Xiu-MeiMo.Electrospinning of Heparin Encapsulated P(LLA-CL) Core/Shell Nanofibers,Nano Biomedicine And Engineering 2010,2,84-90

19、Zonggang Chen, Peiwei Wang, B. Wei, Xiumei. Mo, F.Z. Cui. Electrospun collagenu2013chitosan nanofiber: A biomimetic extracellular matrix for endothelial cell and smooth muscle cell. Acta Biomaterialia. 2010,6,372-382.

20、Kuihua Zhang, Yongfang Qian, Hongsheng Wang, Lingpen Fan, Chen Huang, AnlinYin, Xiumei Mo. Genipin-crosslinked silk fibroin/hydroxybutyl chitosan nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue-engineering application. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2010;95A:870-81

21、Xiaoqiang Li, Yan Su, SP Liu, LJ Tan, Xiumei Mo. Ramakrishna S. Encapsulation of proteins in poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone) fibers by emulsion electrospinning. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces. 2010;75:418-24

22、Rui Chen, Qinfei Ke, XiumeiMo. Preparation and Study of TPU/Collagen Complex Nanofiber via Electrospinning. Aatcc Review. 2010;10:59-63

23、XiumeiMo, Hiroo Iwata, Yoshito Ikada. A tissue adhesives evaluated in vitro and in vivo analysis. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 2010;94A:326-32

24、Zengxiao Cai, Xiumei Mo, Kui-hua Zhang, Lin-peng Fan, An-lin Yin, Chuang-long He and Hong-sheng Wang, Fabrication of Chitosan/Silk Fibroin Composite Nanofibers for Wound-dressing Applications, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2010, 11, 3529-3539

25、Kuihua Zhang, Hongsheng Wang, Chen Huang, Yan Su, Xiumei Mo, Yoshito Ikada.Fabrication of silk fibroin blended P(LLA-CL) nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering.J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010, 93(3):984-993

26、Kuihua ZHANG, Xiumei Mo, Chen HUANG, Chuanglong HE, Hongsheng WANG. Electrospun scaffolds from silk fibroin and their cellular compatibility. J Biomed Mater Res A.2010, 93(3): 976-983

27、Cai-jiu Gao, Kui-Hua Zhang, Wei Liu, Xu Zhou, Xiumei Mo. Electrospun Scaffolds from Gelatin/Hyaluronic Acid and their cellular compatibility. Nonlinear Science Letters D, 1, 67-72, 2010

28、Kui-Hua Zhang, Hong-Sheng Wang, Cai-Jiu Gao, Lin-Peng Fan, XiumeiMo. Fabrication of Electrospinning Silk Fibroin and its blend nanofibrous Scaffolds for Soft Tissue Engineering. Nonlinear Science Letters D, 1, 53-58, 2010

29、Rui Chen, Xiaoqiang Li, Qinfei Ke, Chuanglong He, Xiumei Mo. Fabrication and characterization of collagen (shell) /thermoplastic polyurethane (core) composite nanofibers by coaxial electrospinning. e-Polymers, 2010, No009: 1-8

30、Rui Chen, Chen Huang, Qinfei Ke, Chuanglong He, Hongsheng Wang, Xiumei Mo. Preparation and Characterization of Coaxial Electrospun Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Collagen Compound Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering Applications. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2010, 79,315-325

31、Rui Chen, Lijun Qiu, Qinfei Ke, and XiumeiMo. Electrospinning Thermoplastic Polyurethane-contained Collagen Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering Applications. Journal of Biomaterials science: Polymer Edition, 2009, 20(11): 1513-36

32、R. Chen, Y. Morsi, A. Owida, X.M Mo and Q.F Ke. Electrospinning of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Tubular Scaffold For The Construction of Artificial Blood Vessels. International Journal of Artificial Organ, 2009 July, 32(7): 459

33、Rui Chen, Qinfei Ke, XiumeiMo.Preparation and Study of TPU-Collagen Complex Nanofiber via Electrospinning. AATCC Review, March/April, 2010, 59-66

34、Rui CHEN, Yosry MORSI, Shital PATEL, Qinfei KE, Xiumei MO Novel Approach via Combination of Electrospinning and FDM for Tri-leaflet Heart Valve Scaffold Fabrication. Frontier Materials Science of China. 2009,3(4):359-366

35、Yan Su, Xiaoqiang Li, Hongsheng Wang, Chuanglong He, and Xiumei Mo. Fabrication and Characterizations of Biodegradable Nanofibrous Mats by Mix and Coaxial Electrospinning of Poly(L-lactid-co-ε-caprolactone). Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2009 C, 2009, 20:2285u20132294

36、Yan Su, Xiaoqiang Li , Suiping Liu, XiumeiMoand Ram Seeram. Controlled Release of Dual drugs from Emulsion Electrospun Nanofibrous Mats. Colloids and interfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2009, 73 (2): 376-381

37、Yan Su, Xiaoqiang Li, Lingjiang Tan Cheng Huang, XiumeiMo. Electrospun Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) nanofibers for encapsulating and sustained releasing proteins. Polymer. 2009, 17 (50): 4212-4219

38、Yongfang Qian, Xiaoqiang Li, Xiumei Mo. Fabrication and characterization of Polycaprolactone/Chlorophyllin sodium copper salt nanofibrous mats from 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol solution by electrospinning. Iranian Polymer Journal. 2009, 18(3): 265-274

39、Zonggang Chen, Bo Wei, Xiumei Mo, Fu-zhai Cui. Diameter Control of Electrospun Chitosan-Collagen Fibers.Polym. Sci Part B: Polym. Phys. 2009, 47:1949-1955

40、Zonggang Chen, Bo Wei, Xiumei Mo, C.T. Lim, S. Ramakrishna, Fuzhai Cui. Mechanical properties of electrospun collagenu2013chitosan complex single fibers and membrane. Materials Science and Engineering C. 2009, 29:2428u20132435

41、Xiaoqiang Li, Yan Su, Xu Zhou and XiumeiMo. Distribution of Sorbitan Monooleate in poly(l-lactide-co-caprolactone) nanofibers from emulsion electrospinning. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2009, 69: 221-224

42、Huihua Huang, Chuanglong He, Hongsheng Wang, XiumeiMo. Preparation of Core-shell Biodegradable microfibers for long-term Drug delivery.J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009, 90A(4):1243u20131251

43、Xiaoqiang Li, Yan Su, Chuanglong He, Hongsheng Wang, and XiumeiMo. A Study of the Electrospinning of an H2Ou2013Acetoneu2013PCL Ternary System. Polymers & Polymer Composites, 2009, 17(1) : 37-40

44、Xiaoqiang Li, Yan Su, Rui Chen, Chuanglong He, Hongsheng Wang, Xiumei Mo. Fabrication and Properties of Core-Shell Structure P(LLA-CL) Nanofibers by Coaxial Electrospinning. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009,111: 1564u20131570

45、Xiaoqiang Li, Yan Su, Chuanglong He, Hongsheng Wang, Fong Hao, and Xiumei Mo. Sorbitan Monooleate and Poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) Electrospun Nanofibers for Endothelial Cell Interactions. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009, Dec 1, 878-885

46、Feng Chen, Yan Su, Xiumei Mo, et al, Biocompatibility, Alignment Degree and Mechanical Properties of an Electrospun Chitosan-P(LLA-CL) Fibrous Scaffold,Journal Of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition20 (14) , 2117-2128,2009

47、张鹏云,张建松,徐晓红,莫秀梅,何创龙,生物交联剂京尼平对静电纺明胶纳米纤维膜改性的影响。中国组织工程研究与临床康复. 13(8),1495-99,2009

48、张建松,张鹏云,徐晓红,莫秀梅,何创龙,王红声, 两种聚(左选乳酸-己内酯)静电纺纳米纤维膜的性能比较。中国组织工程研究与临床康复. 13(8),1500-04,2009。

49、邱立军 , 王红声 , 何创龙 , 莫秀梅。聚(左旋乳酸-己内酯)/Fe304取向超细纤维的制备及生物相容性。中国组织工程研究与临床康复.13(12),2222,2009


与新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore),美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学(Virginia Commonwealth University),澳大利亚斯文伯恩技术大学(Swinburne University of Technology),日本奈良医科大学(Nara Medical University),澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University),沙特国王大学(King Saud University) 有合作科研和教学。

