
时间:2024-01-20 12:20:21编辑:小历




2005.7 清华大学热能工程专业获本科学位

2010.7 清华大学热能工程专业获博士学位




[1] 龙正伟, 姚强, 黄斌, 宋蔷. 用ELPI测量颗粒物的分级荷电量, 工程热物理学报, 27 (2): 354-356, 2006.

[2] 龙正伟, 姚强, 黄斌, 宋蔷. 中和颗粒可压缩性颗粒层模型, 工程热物理学报, 28 (4): 711-713, 2007.

[3] 龙正伟, 宋蔷, 李水清, 姚强. 复合式电袋除尘器的伏安特性. 中国电机工程学报, 2010, 30 (14): 13-20.

[4] Long Zhengwei, Yao Qiang, Song Qiang, Li Shuiqing. Numerical Modeling of the Electrohydrodynamics in a hybrid particulate collector. 11th international conference on electrostatic precipitator, pp. 151-156, 2008, Hangzhou, China.

[5] Long Zhengwei, Yao Qiang, Song Qiang, Li Shuiqing. Computation of electrical conditions inside a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator using an unstructured finite volume method. IEEE IAS Meeting, October 5, 2008-October 9, 2008.

[6] Long Zhengwei, Yao Qiang, Song Qiang, Li Shuiqing. A second-order accurate finite volume method for computation of electrical conditions inside the wire-plate electrostatic precipitator on unstructured meshes. Journal of Electrostatics, 67 (4): 597-604, 2009.

[7] Long Zhengwei, Yao Qiang, Song Qiang, Li Shuiqing. Three Dimensional Simulation of Electric Field and Space Charge in the Advanced Hybrid Particulate Collector. Journal of Electrostatics, 67 (6): 835-843, 2009.

[8] Long Zhengwei, Yao Qiang. Evaluation of various particle charging models for simulating particle dynamics in electrostatic precipitators. Journal of Aerosol Science, accepted.

[9] 黄斌, 姚强, 龙正伟, 宋蔷. 荷电颗粒可压缩性颗粒层模型, 热能动力工程, 22 (4): 427-430, 2007.

